VeinAway® RF Thermosclerosis


  • Spider thread veins
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Skin tags
  • Rosacea
  • Milia



Who is it for?

Veinaway is suitable for men and women who wish to eliminate spider/thread veins, cherry angiomas, skin tags, rosacea and milia.


What is the treatment for?

Veinaway is suitable for treating spider/thread veins, cherry angiomas, skin tags, rosacea and milia.


How does the treatment work? 

The innovative Vein Away system utilises the principle of thermosclerosis (or Short Wave Diathermy): an ultra-fast radio frequency of 27.12 MHz sends a wave pulse from the tip of a filament into the target tissue causing it to collapse; the body then removes the debris as part of the healing process.  


Benefits of the treatment

Veinaway treatment is painless with no downtime.


Duration of treatment

A typical Veinaway treatment takes 20 minutes. 


How many sessions are required?

Typically only one to two treatments are required although the treatment may be repeated after three months if required.



There is no downtime and patients are able to resume their normal activities immediately afterwards.